Conversations about the religious and spiritual life on the other side of fundamentalism
Tag: <span>mormonism</span>

078-079: Kirk Caudle on Mormon Studies, Teaching for BYU-Idaho, Resigning, Apologetics and More

Kirk Caudle, known for his Mormon Book Review podcast (which was, at one time, officially affiliated with BYU’s Maxwell Institute), made headlines over the summer when he resigned from the church after working as an …

069: James Patterson — From Devout to Faithful Doubter

Some of you who are regular contributors on the A Thought Faith Facebook Support Group will recognize James Patterson.   Mormon Stories Podcast listeners will recall his recent interview with John Dehlin and Terryl and …

065: Liz and Pete Cammock: Riffing on this Mormon moment with a feminist and her former Bishop, Kiwi husband

It gives me great pleasure to introduce my former Bishop’s, wife Liz Crombie, and her husband Peter Cammock!   Mormonism has the potential to bring people together to have powerful and profound conversations and both as my Bishop couple while we …

022: Bob Rees – Forgiving the Church and Loving the Saints

Bob Rees and I recorded this interview a little while ago. I’ve been holding on to it, hoping to release it to our audience at the right moment. This past week I re-listened to our …