Conversations about the religious and spiritual life on the other side of fundamentalism
Category: <span>Podcasts</span>

083-084: Ganesh Cherian – A Former Bishop’s Doctrinal Dilemmas

In January of 2014, former New Zealand Bishop, Ganesh Cherian posted a heart-wrenching blog at KiwiMormon called ‘A Former Bishop’s Doctrinal Dilemmas‘.  This was on the heels of the first of the series of …

082: Curtis Henderson – The Errant Nature of Polygamy, Fallible Prophets, and Seeking for Truth

Curtis Henderson was raised in Star Valley on the farm where his polygamist ancestor, Samuel Goforth Henderson, made his home. He has studied LDS Church history for years. He is a scholar of polygamy in …

081: Renshaw, Patterson & Grimes – Processing Polygamy

120 years after the cessation of the practice Mormon polygamy still arouses very strong feelings, as the response to the latest essay bears witness.  Outside of the official rhetoric which positions the practice as …

080: Kendall Wilcox & Jon Hastings – Broadening the LGBT Discourse

Sometimes Mormon discourses about LGBT issues and concerns are bound by myopic boundaries and shallow discussions.  In this episode, film producers Kendall Wilcox and Jon Hastings discuss the purpose of their film project ‘Far Between’ which has …

078-079: Kirk Caudle on Mormon Studies, Teaching for BYU-Idaho, Resigning, Apologetics and More

Kirk Caudle, known for his Mormon Book Review podcast (which was, at one time, officially affiliated with BYU’s Maxwell Institute), made headlines over the summer when he resigned from the church after working as an …

075-077: Steven L. Peck — On Evolution and Mormonism, Creation, Climate Change and Stewardship, A Short Stay in Hell

Steven L. Peck is a BYU biology professor and an evolutionary biologist, ecologist, and a writer. He is an active, faithful Latter-Day Saint. His books include The Scholar of Moab, which won 2011 Best Novel by …

072-074:The Church College of New Zealand, Temple View Saga – Dialogues with Meshwayla MacDonald, Jodhi Warrick & James Ord

In this first half of this episode I am pleased to introduce Jodhi Warwick and Meshwayla MacDonald. Both are members of the Temple View Heritage Society. Temple View is a small Mormon village on the outskirts …

070-071: Patrick Mason — The Messiness of Mormon History, War and Peace, Mitt Romney, Cafeteria Mormonism…and More!

Patrick Mason currently holds the Howard W. Hunter Chair of Mormon Studies at Claremont Graduate University in California. He is the author of one book (The Mormon Menace) and co-editor of one other (War and Peace …

069: James Patterson — From Devout to Faithful Doubter

Some of you who are regular contributors on the A Thought Faith Facebook Support Group will recognize James Patterson.   Mormon Stories Podcast listeners will recall his recent interview with John Dehlin and Terryl and …

067-068: Voices from Scotland – Emma and Roy Hann: 13 Mormon Kids and Counting

It gives me great pleasure to introduce  Emma and Roy Hann from Dundee in Scotland. Life members of the LDS church Emma and Roy are the parents of 13 children, which in the UK is …