Conversations about the religious and spiritual life on the other side of fundamentalism
Tag: <span>natasha helfer parker</span>

200: Online Unchurched Mormonism: Lindsay Hansen Park & Natasha Helfer-Parker

Mormons all over the world are gathering online in increasing numbers.   They do this to process their past, present and future relationships with the church.  It is online that they find people who understand …

178 & 179: The Truths About Marital Intimacy: A Critique of Wendy Nelson’s Sex Talk: Helfer-Parker and de Azevedo-Hanks

Natasha Helfer-Parker and Julie de Azevedo-Hanks about Wendy Watson Nelson’s speech at the January 2017 Worldwide Devotional for Young Adults. Nelson’s address garnered some criticism for the unhealthy, purity-centred and confusing expectations that she constructed …

163: Mormon and Gay: A Response to the New LDS Website

In late October 2016 and after  a two year development phase the Mormon and Gay website was launched at  Previously ‘Mormons and Gays’ was the go to place to get a sense of the …

029: Cognitive Dissonance and Faith Transition

The theory of Cognitive Dissonance is a well-established concept in the field of psychology that explains why we all experience discomfort and anxiety when we are exposed to new ideas and beliefs or engage in …