Conversations about the religious and spiritual life on the other side of fundamentalism
037-038: Rebecca Maesato: Faith and A Road Less Traveled

037-038: Rebecca Maesato: Faith and A Road Less Traveled

Rebecca MaesatoIn 2001 Rebecca Maesato founded a non-profit organization: Foundation for Children in Need. She and her two daughters traveled to Haiti in 2002 to work in orphanages and among the neediest children in the world. This began a journey that would ultimately expand their small family of four to a family of twelve and change their world view forever. Rebecca has come to understand a larger Christian community and establish her life’s work with the people of Haiti.  I had the wonderful opportunity to sit and speak to her and her sister, Kathy Mitchell, about some of their experiences and lessons they learned. Rebecca’s approach to life and God is inspiring and hopeful.


  1. Berklee

    I am struggling finding the words that adequately express my feelings while listening to this interview. I keep coming up short, so I’ll just say thank you to you both.

  2. Kevin

    Thank you, Sarah, for introducing us to the remarkable Rebecca Maesato and her sister, Kathy. Good strength to you all! Several times the interview brought me to tears; the whole conversation provoked much pondering and much yearning to become a better Christian neighbor and disciple of Jesus Christ. I was reminded of another Thoughtful Faith interviewee, Rock Waterman

    I believe what we heard described here is a living example of the next era when the upheavals of the last days liberate us from our fixation on consumerism. Zion is coming, one person at a time. Several times during the interview I found myself wincing at the thought of the Church pouring $5 billion into a large, charming place to buy diamond earings and fine wines in contrast with Rebecca and her daughters cutting up old T-shirts to make diapers. Even if it somehow makes money some day, I doubt the City Creek Mall will ever have the eternal significance of soothing one dying baby in Haiti.

  3. Steve

    I too just can’t find the words to describe how I felt while listening to this amazing story. Just absolutely amazing. Thank you so much for sharing this. Made me realize what life is really all about.

  4. Riggs

    I’m trying to figure how I can get my teachers Quorum to listen to this. It should be required listening for Mormons. The christianity in this story rings truer than any religion can express.

  5. Les Blake

    The Choice by William Butler Yeats

    The intellect of man is forced to choose
    perfection of the life, or of the work,
    And if it take the second must refuse
    A heavenly mansion, raging in the dark.
    When all that story’s finished, what’s the news?
    In luck or out the toil has left its mark:
    That old perplexity and empty purse
    Or the day’s vanity, the night’s remorse.

    Rebecca & Kathy, what choices you have made! You both make the empty purse look not so perplexing afterall, perfecting lives they way you are. Thank you.

    Sarah Collett, fantastic interview.

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